Wednesday, August 17, 2016

What is HDCP?



Developed by the Intel Corporation, HDCP stands for high-bandwidth digital content auspices. As the descriptive reveal implies, HDCP is all just about protecting the integrity of various audio and video content as it travels greater than a multiplicity of every substitute types of interfaces. Such data interfaces as GVIF, DVI, and HDMI will every allocation of withhold the functionality of HDCP.
 Is HDCP Free?

No.  HDCP requires an authorized license. The license can be obtained through Digital Content Protection, which is a supplementary of Intel Corporation. Generally, the license can be obtained by filing an application and paying an annual impinge on upfront. Once the application is well-liked and the adherent agrees to the terms found in the licensing execution, the right to create use of HDCP is arranged.

What Are Some Of The Key Terms of Use For HDCP?

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